How did labels like Factory and 4AD influence you?
My first love. It's incredible what they were able to produce musically and historically. Have you seen the movie '24 Hour Party People?' It's a black comedy, but it's good. I don't think it's so far from the reality. Also about Factory Records, I love the work of Martin Hannett, the music producer. He did incredible things. I don't think Joy Division would be the band we know now without him. He's the man. I read a lot of things about him- he was a real genius. To be honest about 4AD, I'm a bit angry. They have so many great bands that I don't understand what is happening right now. All of the stuff they are producing is kind of not good. I'm sorry. I do not like Grimes. And everybody loves this girl, and it's not good. I don't like it. I don't like the music. I don't like the voice. I saw her live and it was upsetting because it's not good. It's not what I expect from a label like 4AD. I think the main problem is that the guy who ran the label isn't running it anymore. They are just the name. How do you find bands? Do you listen to every demo? If someone sends me something, i'm going to listen. If somebody sends me and email, I answer. I answer no, but I answer. Im a psychologist, I have a degree in psychology. I personality for everybody. So thats the point. I try to put myself in other person's shoes. When I send an email, and somebodies not answering, I do not feel good. It's worse than receiving a no. Ignoring people is really hardcore. So I listen. I mean some bands are sending me hip-hop. Its very rare that I receive music that I like. The music we produce mostly comes from bands we discover. Light House I heard from Patricia from Soft Metals. She posted a video and I was like 'Oh my god.' We want to discover ourselves. I want to release bands without contracts. Interview by Zoe Zag 7-14-13